„This is the most extraordinary and worthwhile little book. It was created, unmistakably, by one who felt to the core of his being the need for noble purpose in human endeavor. With masterful brevity, Rudolf G. Bindung’s words soar into the realm of timelessness as they deftly pene-trate and unravel to the most profound elements of the horse’s nature … The brief pages of Equestrian Hymn for my Beloved were likely never meant to be published, but were indeed an equestrian guideline for the author’s loved one. It is filled with wisdom, sensitivity and passion for all that is beautiful and worthy in horsemanship. It is inspiring, illuminating, and instructive - equestrian holy writ, with which to be familiar and to honor, if a deep and harmonious relationship with the horse is to be cultivated, and if horsemanship is to transcend beyond the mediocrity of technical craft.“
Erik Herbermannn
There is no work alike, in which the love for the horse and poetry are combined in such fashion. Timeless thought penned by a remarkable author and horse aficionado. If only a tiny little bit of Binding’s attitude changes ours, the horses will feel it, and may give back to us, and make us feel a bit of what Binding felt and has portrayed in words. In 1928 Binding received a silver medal at the Olympic games for this book, when still performance in art also was honoured.“
Oliver Hilberger